Mechanical Engineering * (Bachelor)

The mechanical engineering degree program introduces students to the fundamentals of various engineering disciplines at the outset and is designed to encourage them to think in problem-solving terms. This is because the degree program is not solely concerned with manufacturing efficient products of high quality, but with constantly making new contributions to solving urgent tasks in the economy and society.

The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Clausthal University of Technology, on the one hand, should enable students to enter professional life at an early stage and, on the other hand, opens the way to further Master's studies with an appropriate final grade.


Job profile and labor market

The field of activity of mechanical engineers is broad. Whether in aircraft or vehicle construction, in the development of machine tools, production technology or precision, micro and medical engineering, the creative and analytical expertise of the mechanical engineer is needed everywhere for design, production and operation.

Products range from automobiles to dental drills, from artificial heart valves to aircraft turbines. Mechanical engineering is one of the largest industrial sectors in Germany and the basis of exports. Measurement, control and automation technology has long since found its way into mechanical engineering. Computer control of machine tools or construction drawing with CAD (Computer Aided Design) in turn integrate information technology into the job description.

The suitability for later tasks requires that the specialized studies are flanked by other areas in the working environment of the mechanical engineer, such as business administration or communication. Clausthal mechanical engineers create the production facilities for economical manufacturing, organize the production processes, monitor quality and provide expert advice on the sale and use of products. The professional field covers many areas, from dry shavers to commercial aircraft, from air conditioning to drinking water supply.

What is special about the study program in Clausthal

The mechanical engineering program receives very good ratings in rankings, especially in the categories of "support at the beginning of studies" and "career orientation offerings". Thus, both the sensitive transition phase from school to university and the transition into professional life are optimally supported.

Students at Clausthal University of Technology also feel very comfortable during the further course of their studies in the mechanical engineering program. The close contact to the lecturers and the proximity of the university to industry enable a very practice-oriented study with a personal teaching-learning atmosphere. At the same time, students have the opportunity to gain insights into current research topics at an early stage. For committed students, the option of obtaining a HiWi job also opens up easily.

Structure of the study

In the bachelor's degree program in mechanical engineering, emphasis is placed on training in the fundamental subjects of the natural sciences in combination with basic and subject-specific knowledge in engineering. Through the study program, specialized knowledge and skills are to be acquired that ensure problem-oriented work and enable lifelong further qualification. This enables graduates to perform tasks in mechanical and plant engineering largely independently of a specific industry and to become generalists with the necessary overview knowledge.

In addition to the compulsory modules for all students of mechanical engineering, the program offers the possibility to specialize according to personal inclinations.

Field of study General Mechanical Engineering

The "General Mechanical Engineering" field of study allows students to specialize in the areas of operational stability, development methodology and energy conversion machines by means of certain elective courses and events.

On the one hand, students gain a practical insight into the fundamentals of modern product development and, on the other hand, they can intensively deal with the structure and functioning of different types of machines (such as reciprocating machines, reciprocating and rotary piston machines).

Mechatronics field of study

By choosing the field of study "Mechatronics", students are given the opportunity to specialize in the areas of electronics, automation technology and mechatronic systems in addition to certain elective subjects.

The field of study not only provides a differentiated insight into the analysis of electronic circuits or the functioning of selected electronic components, but also offers the opportunity to try out simulation or the modeling and analysis of mechatronic systems.

Field of study "Biomechanics

The field of study "Biomechanics" offers students of mechanical engineering the opportunity to take a closer look at the topics of biomechanics, the basics of movement science as well as anatomy and physiology.

In addition to the opportunity to study the anatomical and physiological building blocks of the human body, this field of study also provides insight into human-machine interaction.


An internship with a total duration of 20 weeks is an integral part of the mechanical engineering program. Of this, 12 weeks must be completed as a specialized internship accompanying the course of study. The remaining 8 weeks must be completed before the start of the course.

Part-time study

The Bachelor's degree program in Mechanical Engineering can also be studied part-time. Further details on the requirements, structure and legal consequences of part-time studies are regulated by the"Regulations for Part-time Studies (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology in the currently valid version.

Before applying for and taking up part-time studies, a counseling interview with the responsible part-time study coordinator is obligatory. During this counseling interview, the part-time study coordinator agrees on an individual study plan (learning agreement) for the part-time study in consultation with the student.

Part-time study coordinator:

Dr.-Ing. Günter Schäfer
Phone: +49 5323 72-3894
Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld


The form to apply for part-time studies (incl. Learning Agreement) can be found here:

Program advisors

Dr.-Ing. Günter Schäfer
Phone: +49 5323 72-3894
Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program supervisor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Lohrengel
Phone: +49 5323 72-2270
Fax: +49 5323 72-3501
Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Robert-Koch-Straße 32
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program outline

Type of program: Bachelor
Duration: 6 Semester
Language of teaching: German
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Prerequisites: University admission requirements
Start date: Winter semester (recommended).
Accreditation: Urkunde ASIIN, EUR-ACE-Bachelor

Starting your studies

Welcome Weeks (before the start of lectures)
The Clausthal University of Technology supports the start of studies with various event formats.

Pre-course in mathematics (before the start of lectures)
The Institute of Mathematics offers a pre-course in mathematics for all first-year students.