Part-time study programs
Part-time study
If you cannot or do not want to study full-time, you have the option of applying for part-time study.
All regulations for part-time study are based on the "Regulations for Part-time Study (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology.
Currently, only the degree programs listed below are suitable for part-time study.
Students who fulfill one or more of the following reasons are allowed to study part-time (see § 3 para. 3 TzO):
- Looking after a child or caring for relatives
- Own disability or serious chronic illness
- Outstanding civic or social commitment (e.g. top-class sport)
- Participation in student or academic self-administration committees
- Own gainful employment of at least 15 h/week
Applications for part-time study must be submitted for two consecutive semesters.
- Applications must be submitted before the start of re-registration for the coming semester
- Exception: first semester students and students changing universities can submit the application by 15.10. or 15.04. at the latest
In part-time studies, a maximum of 33 CP can be completed in two semesters. See TzO
Special regulations for international applicants
If you come from a country outside the EU, you are generally not allowed to study part-time for reasons of residence law. It is therefore imperative that you contact the Foreigners' Registration Office in Goslar before submitting your application.
If you are a Non-EU national, you usually may not study part-time due to regulations of the residence law. It is therefore imperative to make an appointment with the Foreigners' Registration Office in Goslar before submitting your application.