

Application for admission to the thesisfileadmin/TU_Clausthal/dokumente/Prüfungsangelegenheiten/Formulare/01_ANTRAG_STUDIENABSCHLUSSARBEITInternet.pdf(Please note that according to § 10 paragraph 2 number d) of the APO, a period of at least 4 weeks must be observed between receipt of the application for admission to the final thesis in the examination office and the submission of the final thesis). Instructions for the preparation and publication of the final thesis can be found at here.

Application for the preparation of an external thesis Study Committee Mechanical and Process Engineering

Application for extension of the deadline for submission of the final thesis

Supplement for the submission of the final thesis (This form must be submitted with the submission of the final thesis)


Application for admission to examinations (Please do not forget to sign, otherwise the application cannot be processed!)

Application for admission to exams for Erasmus+ and program students

Notification of an oral examination date (Please register the oral examination in the online study portal yourself first and report the date with data - as in the form - to the examination office!)

Application for withdrawal from examinations

Withdrawal for health reasons / Medical certificate for students (from WS 2022/2023)


Recognition and transfer of study and examination credits

Application for crediting of professional competences (achievements in the context of education, further education or training)

Application forlump-sum crediting of vocationally acquired competencies within the framework of the "Technician to Bachelor" program (services rendered at cooperating technical schools, academies)

Application for recognition of achievements from a previous study program in Germany (study in Germany before beginning studies at Clausthal University of Technology)

Application for recognition of achievements from aprevious study abroad (study abroad before beginning studies at the TU Clausthal)

Application for recognition of achievements from astay abroad during studies at the Clausthal University of Technology (semesters abroad were completed during studies at a partner university or Erasmus program etc.)

Application for transfer of credits earned at the TUC (credits were earned at the TU Clausthal in another study program)

Survey of study-related stays abroad (obligation according to § 4 of the Higher Education Statistics Act (HStatG))

Statement of the responsible subject lecturer (Info to students: Please complete your data in the application above and then forward it with the respective documents to the lecturer).