Faculty Boards

In accordance with the first sentence of section 36(2) of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act, Clausthal University of Technology is divided into the following faculties:

Under section 44(2) of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act, in conjunction with section 21(2) of the Statute of TU Clausthal, the Faculty Boards are made up of 13 voting members composed as follows:

  • Seven from the group of university teachers
  • Two from the group of staff
  • Two from the group of students
  • Two from the group of technical and administrative staff

The 13 voting members are elected directly according to their respective groups. The group of university teachers must have one more vote than the other groups put together. In decisions about matters pertaining to the evaluation of teaching, the votes of the members from the group of students count double while the members from the group of technical and administrative staff do not have a vote. Members’ regular term of office is three years for all groups except the students, whose members sit for one year.

Each faculty’s Dean chairs meetings and has no vote. He or she has an advisory role on the Faculty Board. The same applies to the Vice-Dean, unless he or she is one of its voting members.


 Die Fakultätsräte sind für folgende Aufgaben zuständig:

  1. sie entscheiden in Angelegenheiten der Forschung und Lehre von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung,
  2. sie beschließen die Ordnungen der jeweiligen Fakultät, insbesondere die Prüfungsordnungen,
  3. sie nehmen zur Einführung, wesentlichen Änderung und Schließung von Studiengängen gegenüber dem Präsidium Stellung,
  4. sie beschließen nach Maßgabe der Grundordnung die Zahl der Mitglieder des jeweiligen Dekanats und wählen dessen Mitglieder.