Transparency in research

Research plays a fundamental role in human progress. It adds to our store of knowledge and advances human health, prosperity, and security as well as protection of the environment. A key prerequisite for this is freedom of research, which is specifically protected by Article 5(3) of Germany’s Basic Law. At the same time, in almost all areas of science and academia, there is a risk that important and useful research findings could be subverted and used to cause harm. Research therefore requires transparency, free exchange of information, and the publication and discussion of research findings.

Transparency in research funding

Transparency in research funding

Every year, TU Clausthal publishes a list of all the research projects conducted at the university using funding from outside sources during the previous year. The full list is available for download as a pdf file here.

Open Access Policy

Open Access Policy

TU Clausthal supports the goal of making the world’s knowledge available in digital form, to be accessed and reused without financial, technical, or legal constraints.