Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering * (Master)

Process engineering and chemical engineering are located within the interdisciplinary complex formed by mechanical engineering, physics, mathematics, and physical and technical chemistry, and they are two of the core disciplines of engineering. Process engineering and chemical engineering are concerned with all aspects of the conversion of materials and energy. While the bachelor’s degree represents an entry-level professional qualification, the master’s program imparts the more in-depth expertise in chemical and process engineering that is required for positions of responsibility, particularly in research and development

Jobs and careers

The jobs open to process engineers/chemical engineers include all occupations that involve the industrial conversion of source materials by physical, chemical, or biological processes. The field also encompasses elements of efficient use of energy and raw materials as well as protection of the environment. Thanks to their broad-based education, process engineers/chemical engineers can take on roles in research, planning, and development, work on the technical side of environmental protection, get jobs in patents or the purchase and sale of processing devices, machinery and plants, or engage in supervisory and advisory activities for associations and public bodies.

  • Device and plant construction
  • The automobile industry
  • Biotechnology
  • The chemical and petrochemical sectors
  • Cosmetics
  • The food industry
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Green products and manufacturing
  • Environmental technology

Why Clausthal?

This degree program has a strong focus on research and is characterized by close linkage to practical application, providing the ideal preparation for careers in industry or at research facilities. It does very well in rankings as a result of the attentive support that is provided to the students.

Program structure

The focuses students can choose are aligned with the focus areas of the research conducted in TU Clausthal’s process-engineering institutes and chairs. Each student selects either chemical processes, energy, new materials, or life science engineering; each of these focuses comprises 32 credits and has some compulsory and some elective elements. Modeling and simulation, an increasingly important field, plays a crucial part in this degree program. Finally, the production of a master’s thesis marks the end of the program.

FocusChemical Processes
  • Heterogeneous catalysis in solid-liquid reactions
  • Non-catalytic multiphase reactions
  • Computer-based representation of chemical reactors
  • Industrial placement
  • Electives
  • High-temperature technology
  • Technical thermodynamics I
  • Heat transfer II
  • Industrial placement
  • Electives
FocusNew Materials
  • Use of nanoscale powders
  • Characteristics of nanoparticles
  • Introduction to nanoscale materials
  • Industrial placement
  • Electives
Focus Life Science Engineering
  • Use of nanoscale powders
  • Biochemical engineering II
  • Pharmaceutical process engineering
  • Industrial placement
  • Electives

Part-time study

The Master's degree program in Process Engineering/Chemical Engineering can also be studied part-time. Further details on the requirements, structure and legal consequences of part-time studies can be found in the"Regulations governing part-time studies (TzO)" of Clausthal University of Technology in the currently valid version.

Before applying for and commencing part-time studies, a consultation with the responsible part-time study coordinator is mandatory. During this consultation, the part-time study coordinator will agree on an individual study plan (learning agreement) for the part-time study program in consultation with the student.

Part-time study coordinator:

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alfred Weber
Phone:+49 5323 72-2309
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Turek
Phone: +49 5323 72-2184
Institute of Chemical and Electrochemical Process Engineering

You can find the form to apply for part-time study (incl. Learning Agreement) here:

Program advisors

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alfred Weber Phone:+49 5323 72-2309 Fax: +49 5323 72-2830 E-Mail: ma.vtciw@tu-clausthal.deInstitute of Mechanical Process Engineering Leibnizstraße 19 38678 Clausthal Zellerfeld

Program supervisor

Prof. Dr. mont. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Fischlschweiger
Phone: +49 5323 72-3871
Fax: +49 5323 72-3155
Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Fuel Technology
Agricolastr. 4
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Program outline

Type of program: Master
Duration: 4 Semester
Language of teaching: German
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Start date: Admission to the winter semester, but also to the summer semester possible.
Akkreditierung: Urkunde ASIIN; EUR-ACE-Master

starting your studies

Welcome Weeks (before the start of lectures)
The Clausthal University of Technology supports the start of studies with various event formats.

Pre-course in mathematics (before the start of lectures)
The Institute of Mathematics offers a pre-course in mathematics for Bachelor's degree programmes. Master's students who would like to refresh their mathematics knowledge are also welcome to attend this course.


A successful Bachelor's degree in chemical engineering or process engineering is a prerequisite for admission to the programme. In the case of other Bachelor's degrees in closely related subject areas, admission is also possible with conditions of up to 30 LP.